Clovelly Dam

Project value: US$ 495 980 Size/capacity: 650 000 m³ The new Clovelly Dam is a 14.3 m high zoned earth embankment dam, situated on the Bhobhobho river, 8 km to the east of Underberg in KZN. It is licenced to store 650 000 m³. The spillway is a 60 m wide earth bywash spillway protected with concrete […]

Muda Dam

Project value: US$ 6 million Size/capacity: 56 million m³ Muda Dam, in Mozambique, was developed as part of an irrigation development. It has a 32 m high zoned earth embankment wall of 705 000 m³ and a storage capacity of 56 million m³. MBB was responsible for the entire project from detailed feasibility through to […]

Imvutshane Dam

Project value: US$ 23 million Size/capacity: 3.1 million mᶾ The dam is a zoned earth-embankment wall 28.4 m high, with an embankment length of 230 m and earthworks volume of 250 000 m³, storing 3.1 million m³ of water. MBB was responsible for the entire project from detailed feasibility through to construction monitoring and commissioning.

Ludeke Dam, Pumpstation and Rising Main

Project value: US$ 32 million Size/capacity: 14.5 million m³ The Mbizana Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme includes a dam, raw water pump station and a combination of steel and uPVC pipeline. This large dam is a Category III clay-cored rock-fill dam 40 m high, with a main embankment length of 240 m and earthworks volume […]