Rehabilitation of Historic Dams

MBB was appointed to assist the Makhanda Local Municipality with the repairs and renovations for the Jamieson and Milner Dams which arose out of the recent Dam Safety Evaluations.

Although these two dams are very old, with Milner Dam having been constructed in 1898 and Jamieson Dam constructed in 1906, the recent dam safety inspection revealed that they are relatively stable and under the current drought conditions, are a viable additional resource if outflows could be controlled and embankments can be saved from deterioration.

Both dam walls are 13 m high and have the same size classification, (medium); hazard rating, (significant) and category, (II) as per the National Water Act.

The most immediate issues to be addressed under the current project are: • Removal of vegetation growth on the embankments. • Filling up of animal burrows on the embankment. • Removal/treatment of ant nests. • Repair to spillways and return channels. • Securing of rusted and unsafe bridge structures to the equally rusted and unsafe intake tower. • Replacement of stolen supply lines. • Replacement/ upgrade of downstream valve gear. • Fitment of Telemetry and Gauge Plates. • Construction of service roads on top of embankments. • Determine if leaks exist and address if needed.

The Department of Water and Sanitation, (DWS) has since approved funding under the Water Services Infrastructure Grant (WSIG), to undertake the necessary repairs. Work has commenced and we look forward to updating you in the future of the progress made and what will hopefully be two restored and operation dams.

STATE OF THE DAMS at start of project, image below.

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