Bulk Water Supply
A one-stop service for effective, creative solutions in water supply, storage, construction management, inspections and repairs
Why Choose Us?
We specialise in the planning, design, construction, rehabilitation and legislative requirements of water supply through pump stations, pipelines and canals. Having served this industry since 1973, our experienced and competent team of practical and entrepreneurial engineers have an exceptional balance between technical expertise and business sense.
Our Difference
At MBB, we consider the big-picture of lifecycle cost optimisation. We limit project risks by ensuring experts’ inputs are applied to planning, from concept to completion.
We have a team of dedicated Professional Engineers and Technicians, ensuring a safe, sustainable and effective design.
We design systems that suit the end-user; from complex and automated industrial systems to robust and simple farm solutions.
We understand African conditions.
Quick Facts
Our Core Services
- Pump Stations: From small water supply and irrigation pump stations to major bulk water river abstraction points for irrigation, domestic and industrial supply.
- Pipelines: We are focused on delivering better designs through life-cycle cost optimisation. This is essential in limiting the total investment; optimised designs have significant lifelong benefits.
- Canals: Our experience in bulk water supply, distribution, measurement and control systems in open channels, which range from earth to plastic and concrete lined, ensures the best product for your particular requirements.