MBB’s relationship with Macs in Moz, who are based in Sussundenga, Mozambique, spans five years, with MBB having assisted in many of their projects, ranging from their bulk water supply, the design of balancing dams, and various other water-associated projects.
Our most recent project involved the upgrading of their Macadamia Curing Room, where the curing capacity was increased from 300 tons per month to 780 tons per month. The existing 300 ton per month processing plant was designed, installed, and commissioned by a consortium of companies, led by Mr. Dorran Bungay, a leading specialist in the field of Macadamia Processing. A provision in the original layout was made for an additional drying room, which was being used as a storage room before this project.
As a result of the growing number of macadamia trees reaching maturity and increased yields on the farm, the curing room expansion was planned for late 2019, early 2020. This expansion focused on the equipping of a 480 ton per month curing room, with the target being to get the curing room operational before the 2020 season.
MBB was appointed to undertake the design, prepare drawings, bills of quantities and contract documents, manage the tender process, provide project supervision, and commission the works for the following:
• 20 x 7-ton and 6 x 3-ton drying bins,
• 6 conveyors,
• air ducting,
• air fans and heating elements.
The design work commenced in August 2019, with the procurement process being finalised in November 2019. Installation commenced in January 2020 and the plant was commissioned on the 6th of March, in time for the 2020 harvest.
MBB would like to thank Mr. Bungay for his support and design advice in this project.