Fencing Projects: Makana Local Municipality

MBB’s Eastern Cape Office,  located in Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown),  successfully completed two fencing contracts for the Makana Local Municipality, awarded in January 2020 and April 2020 respectively, for the Belmont Valley Waste Water Treatment Works (BWWTW) and the Bothas Hill Reservoirs. Both projects were completed in October 2020.

The Makana Local Municipality required the erection of new fences at the Belmont Valley and Botha’s Hill Reservoirs as the previous fencing had been vandalized and the security measures required upgrading. The fencing was improved and an electric fence has been installed. Furthermore, in both instances, the status of the fencing is remotely monitored via the municipal SCADA system

The main specifications for the fencing installed at each site are depicted below:



Savings of about R 0,5 million were realised on both projects, allowing for the additional construction and erection of a similar fence around the Municipal Electrical Workshop facility on the outskirts of Makhanda, as well as the construction of a manhole, with a ‘vandal-proof manhole cover’, to house a new water meter valve and shut off valve at Botha’s Hill. Despite the challenges due to Covid-19 and the national lockdown, both fencing projects were completed on time and within budget.  The excellent quality of services provided by MBB ensured a happy client as well as improved municipal infrastructure.