Agricultural development projects

While large, infrastructure or development projects are often the focus of our business as Consulting Engineers, MBB also plays an active role in supporting small-scale developing farmers, not only as Consultants through Government agencies such as the ADA (Agricultural Development Agency (read about KZN women in agro processing) and Government Departments but also by direct engagement with up-and-coming entrepreneurs and farmers.  We provide a range of services including the preparation of business plans and cost estimates to turn key developments.  We highlight two recent agricultural development projects, completed by MBB.

Leligugu Poultry- Assistance with Business Plan

This project is located in Baynesfield, outside Pietermaritzburg. The client intends to construct an egg-laying facility and is in the process of submitting a funding application to iThala bank. As part of the application, the Bank requires formal cost estimates for the development of the facility including all civil, building, electrical and mechanical works.  As part of this process, MBB assisted the client with the design and costs associated with the civil and building works.

Jozini Abattoir

This project is located near Jozini, in the Bhambanana area of KwaZulu Natal. The client wishes to establish a rural abattoir to supply carcasses to his newly constructed butchery and to the local restaurants, catering companies and other retail outlets. The client’s brief to MBB was to design an abattoir capable of processing 2 animal units per day and allow for future expansion.  In addition to the design, MBB was also requested to assist with obtaining regulatory approval from the KZN DARD Veterinary services and to advise on the appropriate procurement procedures and protocols and commissioning procedures.

As part of the MBB design, we provided the following services;

  • Detailed site assessment and land survey.
  • Detailed design of abattoir layout, including bulk water supply and plumbing, functional electrical design, stormwater management, wastewater drainage systems and slurry dam, staff ablutions and changing facilities, access roads, fencing as well as specialist abattoir equipment.
  • Developing a detailed Bill of Quantities and budget estimate.

These designs were carried out under the Red Meat Safety Act, (Act No. 40 of 2000).

We are proud to have been of service to these projects where our contribution assists rural entrepreneurs in developing and growing their businesses and communities.  Further updates will follow once construction commences.