Mtunzini Sanitation Project

ACER (Africa) Environmental Consultants (ACER) was appointed by ECA Engineers, on behalf of the King Cetshwayo District Municipality, to undertake a Basic Assessment for the proposed upgrade and construction of a new Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) in Mtunzini. Currently, less than 20% of households and businesses within Mtunzini are serviced by the existing WWTW […]
Maintenance management plans (specifically for farms)

In terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) (NEMA), the general day-to-day management of farms often involves several activities which, strictly speaking, require environmental authorisation. Examples include removing material (debris, silt, etc) from water courses or clearing of natural vegetation to maintain fence lines, fire breaks, etc. Environmental authorisation, in these […]